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Tips for a great headshot:
Be sure you have done your homework as far as the look(s) you are going for. Ask your agent how they intend to market you. Remember, the photographer cannot be responsible for your preparation. Make sure your look is the way you walk into an audition although your hair may be changed during the session for variety and versatility of roles. If you over-style your hair or makeup you may not look like you and you will have wasted your time and money. Come with natural makeup and hair done.  I WILL DO MINOR ADJUSTMENTS TO MAKEUP AND HAIR.  If using a stylist, be sure to tell the stylist that you want a natural picture that looks like you. You do not want to cover-up inherent characteristics that will be noticeable to a casting director when auditioning. BE NATURAL AND LOOK LIKE YOU!


What to wear:
It is very important to wear colors that bring out your eyes, skin-tone and hair color. Stay away from white unless you are layering clothes and limit black. Darker colors or deeper hues are generally more flattering but don’t be afraid to wear bolder colors if they will make your eyes stand out unless your agent instructs otherwise (some agencies do not want bright colors in headshots). Fitted clothes are better than large baggy looks. Women need to avoid low cut tops. Sexy is not better but rather distracting. Bring a variety of styles... some long sleeve and some short. If you want to show off your arms bring an tank. If you don't like your arms then bring a cool jacket or other interesting item to throw over a tank or t-shirt for a different look. Dress casual but avoid obvious logos or printed text on your clothing. Avoid pastels (party mint colors) if they will “wash you out” and never bring busy prints.  Layer are a "must" as they will extend a "look". Actors who are more experienced or who have a particular character that they would like shot (ie business/industrial) should bring the wardrobe and accessories for that as well.  Not matter what, bring 6 changes of clothes so that I can choose 2 for a basic sitting.  When in doubt ask your agent or EMAIL me.  If you are not sure . . . . . bring it!



Tips for Commercial/Editorial Photography Sessions:
For adult women, you will need a stylist unless you are one yourself. If you are having a stylist, it is best to come with your hair clean and styled naturally. If you come with your hair heavy with gel and spray your stylist will have a difficult time working with your hair. You need to have a naturally healthy appearance which generally means minimal make-up with the emphasis on the eyes, lips and brows. Children should wear no make-up with the exception of lip balm or gloss. If make-up is needed for any reason, it can be applied at the time of the shoot.   I WILL DO MINOR MAKEUP AND HAIR.  Nails and hair color should be done before the shoot. If you have colored hair please don't come to your session with two inch roots. Even if you think they aren't that bad...they'll look bad in the pictures. Bring lotion for your legs and arms.


What to wear:
If you are a working model bring your model bag.   Your agent and/or stylist should have already chosen your clothing.  Make sure you have shoes (and socks or hose) to go with every outfit.   Bring jewelry and hair accessories to go with each outfit. It is best to bring more than what you'll need. In other words...when in doubt, BRING IT! You'll generally need 5 to 7 changes of clothes. Not that you'll use them all but we need a variety of looks and colors. The number of outfits used depends on the time rate chosen.  You don't want to be upstaged by your clothes but you want to show your ability to make the clothes look good. Have fun with color and fabrics . . . go the whole spectrum. Funky, sporty, casual, romantic, summer, winter, etc. you want to show versatility and range. Hats, gloves, scarfs and the like are all welcome. HAVE FUN!!!! It will show in your pictures. If you want some really artistic shots or shots that delve into something sensual, we need to discuss this in advance so we can plan accordingly.


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